Mike Muir and Jim Muir pose for a Thrasher promotion we did, circa 1983

One of my early surf photos, shot at what was then probably the biggest surf contest in the North-East at Seaside Heights NJ- I got my first surf shot published from this same day, in Surfer magazines 20th Anniversary issue. Kevin Casey is the rider, circa 1978

Darryl 'Buffy' Robinson (RIP) of The Fat Boys in Venice holding my board circa 1984

Black Flag outside their office/home SST in Redondo Beach CA- their strongest lineup in my opinion. Circa 1984

The Beastie Boys, with Sean Penn and David Lee Roth at Madonna's first ever gold record party. This was in Los Angeles the day before or after they opened for Madonna on the 'Like A Virgin' tour, 1985.
In the beginning there was GEF. Really- my friend Craig and I wound up putting out books because we felt Glen's book need to be available, and now all these years down the line we're all still at it. Glen has just launched his official site, Burningflags.com and it's been worth the wait, filled with all sorts of bits and pieces of much interest. It's an incredible look at subcultures that meant a lot to me anyway, and all from the perspective of someone who was not only there but deeply involved and documenting it all wisely. Glen shared the above shots from the site, captions are his and don't forget we have his books available should you need something epic for the book shelf. Contact info @ foamandfunction.com and we'll set you up.
1 comment:
Oh my god - that last photo. they are all so young. Is Sean Penn even legal?
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