Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Full Speed Junior

Proof positive that mats are not just for us old geezers- that's 5 yr old Jake Thomson ripping at Lennox. His Grandad is the always frothing Mark Thomson, and that's his new kid's model mat he's selling. Brilliant, and Tomo will be up in CA at the Sacred Craft/Boardroom/whateverthehellit'scallednow selling his goods, so another that's another reason to stop by. Especially for those who always like posting anonymous comments pouring scorn on Mark- stop by and talk to him directly rather than obliquely through a somewhat unimportant and unconcerned blog. I have no problem with Tomo, he's one of the most hardcore and involved surfers I've ever met, he's a damn good shaper in his own right and he's passionate about progression with his designs. Like all serious mat riders, he's absolutely evangelical about the experience and will belly slide as his preferred way of making use of a quality wave. There's definitely something in what these mat guys are so excited about.....


  1. yep , people who pour scorn are generally small minded,less travelled , unhappy with their equipment ,
    bitter souls that only feel good when they have a go at someone else .....oh ...unless they're on a white thruster
    ......live outside the box i say .....

  2. Hi Kirk, I couldn't find an e-mail address for you anywhere so am leaving a comment here instead…am I right in thinking that you were at the World Bellyboarding Championships in Cornwall earlier this month? I was hoping that I might be able to get a quote from you as an international visitor for an article that I'm writing? My e-mail address (avoiding spammy robots)is: mat(at)matarney(dot)com
    Thanks heaps,
    Mat Arney
