Friday, September 20, 2013

World Bellyboard Champs, 2013

Sorry about the lag in posts, I've been back in rainy old Blighty having the time of my life, largely focused around the Bellyboard champs (Or Surf-Riding as it should be more correctly called.) I slid in wool, hung out with a fantastic Cornish crew and wish I was still there. Posts will be thick and fast for a while, there's plenty of images!


  1. this is the greatest thing I have seen in ages. more! more!

  2. Nah,it,s hipster shite.i work for the Trust,and believe me,it,s gentrifucked...should,ve hooked up with UKMS lot,they,re the core.

  3. Mike, I heard similar comments at the event, but it was a great time anyway. What was really brilliant was seeing guys 'freesurfing' bellyboards on the day and at a bunch of beaches I surfed during the trip. It's a fantastic little niche and treated as 'real' surfing which it absolutely is.

  4. Haha .. hipstershite ! love it , there's nothing hipster about the WBBC .. far from it thankfully ! But yep it's too popular now & with that comes change .. not always for the better ..

  5. Definitely agree with that- the old geezer element outweighed the hipster element 10 to 1 easily! Actually, as I'm getting up there too I think the old folks should be the hipsters! Still think it was an incredible event, such a good vibe to it and much fun was had. Getting popular is often not a good thing for things like the WBBC, but it's definitely something you limeys can be proud of and hopefully will stay that way for a while!
