Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Kidman Shaping In The US

I shape boards that I’m interested in riding. Be it channel bottoms, single fins, traditional fish or prototypes that are combinations of these designs.

I believe in customizing equipment for the individual. I grew up with access to this kind of one-on- one experience, for me it has been one of the most enjoyable parts of the surfing journey. I’d like to continue to make that experience available for other surfers.
It seems that if you're US based, there's a window where you can get a board shaped by Andrew Kidman without the hassle of retrieving it or shipping it from Australia. The lad is going to be making a stop in New York during October, and plans on shaping a very limited number of boards while he's there. To get the details, just email It's a pretty good excuse to order up a new board......


  1. guess coming to la does not make sense cuz there will never be surf here ever again.
    Still ,wish he was visiting...

  2. It does seem to have just stopped completely and finally doesn't it? Kidman's finished the 'Spirit Of Akasha' film so maybe a West Coast screening tour? I'd like to see him back out here, if only to get a board.
