Saturday, November 23, 2013


Neal Purchase Jnr | Indonesia from Rhythm Livin on Vimeo.
I'm a little slow off the mark with this one, so you may have seen this clip, but it's well worth another viewing. Neal Purchase Jnr. killing it on his own shapes in Indonesia. He's a monster in the surf is Purcho, and his boards are looking very clean indeed. NPJ took serious notice of the Parmenter widows and the classic singles he was riding some years back, and has used the ideas found there on boards built for more everyday surf, and done well with it by all accounts.
Purcho also features strongly in 'Glass Love', the very excellent Kiddman film. If you don't have it, you should get it- email info @ and for $15 we'll mail you one anywhere you are in the world.

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