Saturday, November 30, 2013

Narabeen to New York

Simon Anderson from Ether
Dicko from Ether
Pat Curren from Ether
Dave Parmenter from Ether

Young A. N. Kidman is with the family doing a bit of a recharge in his favourite city, and in his usual manner of keeping things moving, he's not only shaping a few boards (more on that later) but has an event or two happening. If you are in range of NYC,  Andrew will have a collection of images from his most recent and excellent book 'Single- Studies Of Movement' on show at the Crumpler Space from December 12, and if you're not in range of NYC we have copies of Andrew's books & movies available at a very reasonable rate, all you need to do is email info @
Here's links to a great 2 part interview with the man on the Pilgrim Surf site,
And here's a really quite excellent piece from the Coastalwatch site written by Andrew's better half on shaping her first surfboard- why the dearth of female shaper's out there? Hopefully Michelle is on the path to changing that.

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