Tuesday, November 08, 2016

A Few New Ones From Neal Purchase Jnr

Our Antipodean cuzzy Neal Purchase Jnr has been working like a beast since his return form shaping, surfing and supping in La Belle France. Here's a few from the first batch received with more on the way very soon. From the top: a stunner of an area pintailed Duo that's bound for Chile, a nice little bumtail Duo that our San Diego readers may see blasting along local waves, and an all business Quartet that's joining another Purcho gem in Florida. Neal has these boards so dialed in it's amazing, the in house Duo has rapidly become the go-to board as the swell fills in, and the 2+1 is a complete all rounder. If you're interested in some of Neal's shapes, email foamandfunction@gmail.com and we'll give you details. The next shipment due to leave very soon is full, and there's another one that should arrive before the New Year that's filling fast.....

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