Saturday, February 01, 2014

Those Will Do Nicely.......

It's even less likely the channel bottom will stay pristine for the Wheels & Waves event, it now has a couple of options as far as directional stabilizers go. A Greenough 7.5" 4A and a Neal Purchase Jnr. 7.5" Wolfhound, in classy beer coloured tint. The Wolfhound comes from the really excellent Salty Merchants Fin Company of Coolangatta, Australia, and that last image, a 9" Matte Black flexfin is an example of how good it gets. They do single fins only, mostly for bigger boards but given how good that Wolfhound and the flexfins look, I'm hoping there will be more gems for us single fin aficionados in the future.


  1. The Wolfhound reminds me of the Rusty performance flexie fins--wide base for tons of drive.
    Keep 'em coming, Kirk.

  2. You'll like the next post Jamie.....
