Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The One Motorcycle Books & Kidman prints

So it's getting on towards Xmas and you may well be wondering what sort of classy, erudite yet cool gift to buy for some lucky sort, and we're here to help. Hopefully you already have Ether and/or Dogtown, (and if not just email info @ foamandfunction.com and we'll set you up with a special Xmas deal) so a new recommendation is what's needed. My pick of year is this fine collection from See See Motorcycles in Portland, Oregon. The books document the annual One Motorcycle Show, and do it beautifully, and $99 for the pair really can't be beat. Of course photos of a bunch of oily louts from the PNW might not be everyone's cup of tea, so I'd also recommend the latest Kidman limited deal- he's selling a small run of prints from the 'Single' book.
Limited to 10 of each image, eminently frameable and a fine addition to any art collection. Contact the man himself through his site.

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