Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Few More From Sacred Craft

Business end of a butterknife. You'll be seeing more of this soon I promise.


Daniel Thomson in the Shaping Bay

...and one not from Sacred Craft. My current all purpose quiver.

My computer seems to be back online and working famously. Emails will be replied too, things will be caught up. A few more from the surfboard show- between never having time to wander off and shoot photos and losing most of the meager few I did take when the hard drive died, I'm stoked to have these. Honestly wasn't that impressed by a lot of what I saw, it seemed to be fancy glass jobs more than anything else really. There was some good stuff though (Henry Hester's 80's asym in the Rusty booth was one of the best I thought, but I lost that photo sorry) and there was a nice range of shapes represented, so it definitely seemed to be a something for everyone situation. It's easy to be cynical about the Sacred Craft, but it serves a nice purpose and seems to stoke plenty of people out. I get to hang out with Jon Wegener and Mark Thomson in the same building, so you know I'm having a good time.


  1. I'd love to be close enough to Sacred Craft to be able to complain so feel lucky just for the ability to be able to complain.

    Nice quiver btw.


  2. Thanks Josh, that's exactly it. I heard a fair bit of low grade grumbling, yet was totally busy all weekend talking about cool surfboards to a crazy range of people. Personally, I realized wouldn't miss the thing for the world and although it's been happening for a few years now and Bassy has kept it pretty much the same setup all the way. It's a good thing.
