Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sacred Craft, Ekstrom, Mackie & More...

It's Sacred Craft Surfboard Show time again, October 8 & 9 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Not only is Carl Ekstrom this year's honoree but he's kindly offered up a spot in his booth for us to display our wares. Not only will Carl undoubtedly have some exceptional boards but there will be books, there will be shirts, there will be films and there will be some surfboards from Mick Mackie for people to check out and buy should they desire. The above HP Sidecut fish will be there- 6' x 20" x 2 5/8" of handshaped EPS joy for only $800. There will also hopefully be a few bonus items from our friends across the pond in the UK, but more on that as it gets sorted out. It'll be a fun show definitely. We're even expecting a one man Australian contingent and he usually brings swell so here's hoping....


  1. are all of Carl's surfboards done with the Hydroflex technology?

    Or will he do poly and or EPS shaping?

    thx Kirk

  2. No, you can actually get an Ekstrom board, handshaped by Carl, in PU. Pretty awesome all told although I will say he's not the speediest shaper, mainly due to a level of perfectionism that's not often seen nowadays.
