Sunday, June 12, 2011

Jeff Ho Surfboards For Sale

The word has come down from Jeff Ho that he's going to shape a run of his boards- the model that Alan Sarlo has been riding at Malibu. Basically a wider squash tail shape, tri or quad and clear sanded. He's done a few and they've been ridden and liked at Malibu and in the old stomping grounds of Venice. Naturally there's no decent picture of the board, but it is the shape Sarlo is riding in the clip a few posts back, and it definitely seems to be working for him. Best of all, at $850 the price is reasonable, especially for a shaper of Jeff's caliber and history. Email info @ foamandfunction if you're interested. And a disclaimer- Jeff is of a mercurical nature so no guarantee how long this deal may last. We'll do our best though.


  1. my 1st board was a jeff ho v bottom.i bought it off my brothers friend . it was a 6'9" 22" wide. the year was1968

  2. Joe, no pictures of it I suppose? Sounds like it was a good one.
