Saturday, May 14, 2011

Schaaf & The Unicorn

Many of you with a fondness for the skateboarding may remember Max Schaaf. Always a skater who's style I liked and despite aging along with the rest of us, he's still doing some fine stuff. He tinkers with motorbikes and has an entertaining blog along those lines called 4Q, mostly bikes, some skateboarding and he managed to find this quite excellent surfboard. Nicely done Mr. Schaaf.


  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Nice board. Nice beard ;-)

  2. Schaaf is one of the most stylish vert skaters ever. No tacky energy drink sponsors dis-coloring his helmet- ollieing into and out of lip tricks like he's street skater. Good shit. Some people just know what's proper.

  3. Yeah, Schaaf's style is very clean and functional which I always liked, and it shows in what he does with bikes too. His chin however, is another story. You know these biker types Nurse, ruffians the lot of them.

  4. Anonymous1:29 AM

    I like ruffians. Are you one too?

  5. Only when necessary Nurse M. (Or when it's fun)

  6. is this board for sale???
