Saturday, April 30, 2011

summer will follow...

It's undeniably spring here in SoCal, the weather has turned lovely, the sun is out, the onshores blow and the swell is barely there. Still, we do have the solace of avocados ripening, like this beauty from my mate Greg's Mum's backyard tree. The Mackie board in the previous post weighs in at 5lb 12oz without fins and somehow I find it very satisfying that I have an avocado that's a 5th of the weight of a 6' surfboard. I also have t-shirts for the impending summer, although stocks are dwindling. Here's a selection of favourites still available in a sampling of the colours available. $25 each, shipping included. The Casper shirts are womens' sizes only and only in that blue, and there's womens' sizes in most of these other designs too. info @ if you're interested.

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