Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sage Joske via 'Lost In The Ether'

Sage Joske is a young Australian surfer/shaper and truly a kid who makes me believe the current upwelling of interest in non 'mainstream' shapes is just the beginning. He and his dad Paul were very early proponents of the interest in ancient Hawaiian boards and Sage shapes both classic and futuristic stuff under his Valla Saltwater Constructs label.
The screen images are of Sage in Andrew Kidman's 'Lost In The Ether' film and the montage is Kidman photos ofof Sage riding one his Valla epoxy fish.

And further- as DL kindly points out there's a great Sage interview at Phoresia, which is a site well worth your attention and I've been remiss in not adding it to the links until now.

1 comment:

  1. Here's a good interview with Sage, published back in Nov. 2009:

    Cool guy for sure, and hear lots of good things about him.
