Monday, March 21, 2011

Harmless Neighbourhood Eccentrics

Santa Cruz. It's a really great town. I like the people, especially Steiny and Trefz. I like the surf, and I liked the surfboard show. Lots of nice people came by and looked at boards, and we had some really good ones. The last two in this post are a pair of 5'2" Twinzers from Larmo, and they are looking for a good home after their appearance in Sacred Craft. Info @ foamandfunction if you're interested in one. More once I'm a bit rested.


  1. super fun to hang out kirk. more soon!

  2. kirk, mail me.
    we can hook tomorrow am in yer hood?

  3. Steiny, watch yourself- I'm going to back soon I hope. That Black Hart was in fact wonderful and I'll be purchasing some more definitely.
