Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brisick In New York

In one of those great turnarounds, bon vivant, raconteur and Malibu 'loke' Jamie Brisick will be showing slides and holding forth in New York the same night Glen E. is showing in LA. We're proud to be providing art and entertainment for both coasts simultaneously. Nothing is too much trouble for you fine folks. Go check Jamie out, he's a legend, it should be me doing the talk and telling Briso stories. I'd never seen that Madonna shot either, so big thanks to KLM and his fine Lenape Joking blog for sharing that one. Brisick info here or via Lenape. Jamie's 'Martinis' book is a classic and was the first to carry the ConSafos logo. If you want one they're $25, email info @ foamandfunction.com as always.

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