Monday, January 03, 2011

Ether Wheneverly- Joe & Pat Curren

A few posts back you saw Joe Curren's quite lovely handcrafted card set, which prompted this post. Joe's skills as a craftsmen have been hard earned, but there's a bit of a genetic imperative too given his dad is living legend Pat Curren. A few years back Pat decided to not only shape his first 'modern' surfboard but to make it for his son. The process is beautifully documented moving picture style in Kidman's 'Glass Love' as well as in 'Ether'. There's something fantastic about a father building his son something on any level, but when it's Pat Curren building a board that Joe & Tom ride there's an extra level of fantastic. You can buy your own copy of Ether by emailing and feel free to do so, you'll be helping fund a book of Joe's photography.

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