Monday, November 01, 2010


Modern Double Wing Flyer by Terry Fitzgerald

Parmenter/Lynch style single by Kidman

Lynch single by Tim Griffin

Horan style single by Rick Carroll

And of course, a couple from Mackie

Sorry, sort of predictable but couldn't resist after the quad, twinnies and tris of recent posts. I do like the singles though, and it's a maligned surfboard. Most people write it off as only good for longboards or the dreaded retro goons, but it has it's advantages- absolutely hauling arse down the line being one of them. That Horan and the Griffin are two of the most fun boards I've surfed over the last few years and I'd be certainly willing to paddle out on any of those others. Of course, for you post modern kids you can't go wrong with this, the least retro boards imaginable from Tomo.

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