Monday, October 18, 2010

Twinnies via Wegener and Beck

Jeff Beck goes hi-tech and lofi at the same time.

Jon Wegener's Handiwork

Ah, surfboard pictures- I love 'em. Since we've had 3 fins and 4 fins lately, here's a set of twins both look decidedly rideable. Jon Wegener again shows he knows what to do with fins on a board that seems to involve some very classic design elements used to great advantage, while Jeff at Ninelights goes all out modern construction (compsand 1lb EPS, balsa and cedar skin, cedar fins if I remeber rightly) on a supposedly outmoded setup. I don't deny that the thruster came along at the right time to completely reshape surfing, especially in the high performance arena, but the twins are rightly seeing a resurgence. The progress that was happening then seems to be continuing, and with all the new concepts that have come along since the mid-eighties, it's getting really good. There's some very interesting alternatives for those that are willing to venture along these paths.

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